Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I cannot believe it is 2011!
When I was a kid I remember getting this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach every time a new school year would come around. I just could not believe that I was a year older, that I was approaching a new grade, that I was getting older. I know, it sounds strange for a child to think like that, but I did. I don't get that pit in my stomach quite so much anymore, but I still cannot believe it is 2011 (you can bet I will say something like this come 2012...)!
Alright, so it's 2011, now what? Resolutions? Meh, they're over-rated and probably something that should be done at anytime anyway. Take something new on? Not a bad idea, but personally, I know I won't....nothing HUGE anyway....
I really want to better my photography skills. I am currently looking for models, subjects, anything or anyone that will work with me in learning how to pose, direct, and artistically take a photo...also, must be patient!
I don't always have the most time on my hands, and I don't always want to take the little free time I have in going on a photo shoot, mostly because being a full-time working mother, wife, and home-owner is extremely tiring, so when I do have some down time, I generally like to relax! I also usually have to tote my 2.5 year old along, and that can be difficult.
Back on track. I do love photography. It's a great hobby, fun, and capturing that one precious moment in time is an amazing feeling. I also love the editing aspect of it. Sure it takes away from the true photo, but at the same time it makes it more elegant, beautiful, striking, makes you take a double look, whatever, editing is necessary most of the time. It is fun learning how to edit properly, and when you get it, seeing that amazing photo is so rewarding.
Since it is so hard for me to find willing models, fun and interesting places to shoot, I thought about a personal photography project, but time is still a factor...I like the idea of the 365 photos (1 photo/day for a year!), but I don't think I could find enough interesting things to shoot EVERY DAY! A variation to this is one photo/week-52 photos.That is much more reasonable, but still daunting. I've tried the A-Z, but it is SO hard to find letters in nature! Probably doesn't help that walking in nature is not one of my strong points, hehe.
Anyway, I thought I would upload some of my favorite photos from some photo shoots I've done since my last post in October....
Enjoy :)

PS. If you'd like to be a model or know of someone (perhaps your child??), send me a message with your contact info!

Mr & Mrs Haas: So sweet

Sneaking a picture of Cate:

Cutie Pie Joey-6 months:

Q-Man playing with his favorite (Christmas shoot):

 Our Christmas Card photo 2010:

 A lovely ornament on my aunts tree:

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